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Joint International Staff Training Week: Celebrating University Anniversaries Co-organised by the University of Padua and the University of St Andrews - Free, registration required.
The University of Padua and the University of St Andrews invite colleagues to participate in an online International Staff Training Week on the topic of ‘Celebrating University Anniversaries'. The event builds on the 800th anniversary celebrations of the University of Padua coming in 2022 and the 600th anniversary celebrations at St Andrews in 2013.
Administrative and academic staff members from Higher Education Institutions, students and interested people are welcome to attend the open sessions.
Wednesday 9 June, 9am to 12 noon
Celebrating University Heritage
Papers and discussion from postgraduates and staff working on university heritage, interdisciplinary projects and public engagement. Topics include:
* Refocus! -- Exposing St Andrews Early Photographic Heritage
* Student copyists
* Visualising Provenance of Historical University Records
* Towards a Global Reappraisal of Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Frescoes for the Convent of San Francesco in Siena
* Books and student mobility: the documents of the German Nation at Padua as a source for the history of books
You will then hear from Dr Laura Moretti (St Andrews) and her colleague Professor Elena Svalduz (Padua), who have been collaborating on research into architectural and art history. They will present ‘The Houses of Collectors and Patrons of the Arts in 16th-century Venice: The Case of Leonardo Mocenigo (1523 to 1575)'.
If you are interested in the other days of the training week, you can find further information at the links below:
- Monday 7 June: opening session
- Monday 7 June: global case studies session
- Tuesday 8 June
- Wednesday 9 June: afternoon session
- Thursday 10 June
You can join any of the sessions of interest, as long as you register in advance via the link below.