This month’s events

5 results found
  1. School of Chemistry Colloquium: Professor M Kevin Brown

    School of Chemistry Colloquium: Professor M Kevin Brown

    Building Bonds with Boron

    Abstract TBC

  2. Public Lecture by Professor Anne Knowles, (University of Maine), 2023/24 Global Fellow

    Public Lecture by Professor Anne Knowles, (University of Maine), 2023/24 Global Fellow

    Mapping Genocide - What numbers and location can, and cannot, tell us about the Holocaust

    In this lecture, Professor Knowles, a leading practitioner of historical GIS, will contrast counting and mapping data about 1,142 Holocaust ghettos to the...

  3. When Nature stumbles on a good thing: from promiscuous binding to essential enzyme activity

    When Nature stumbles on a good thing: from promiscuous binding to essential enzyme activity

    Research seminar as part of the School of Biology's Biomolecular Sciences (BMS) External Seminar series by Prof. Joelle Pelletier, Department of...

  4. National Taiwan University-St Andrews online research forum

    National Taiwan University-St Andrews online research forum

    The University of St Andrews has developed a partnership with the National Taiwan University (NTU). This institutional link, which was supported by the School...

  5. Alien worlds and ourselves

    Alien worlds and ourselves

    StA-CES networking event

    The St Andrews Centre for Exoplanet Science (StA-CES), cutting across both the sciences and the humanities, would like to invite you to a networking event on...