61 results found
  1. Peppy: How to build a relationship with your baby

    Love at first sight? Sure, there are elements of natural and instinctual love, but is it really that simple?

    Like anything, bonding with your baby can take some time --- and that's completely normal. Join Peppy baby practitioners Kate and Holly as they...

  2. Supply chain cinema: producing global film workers

    Film Studies Speaker Series: Dr Kay Dickinson

    Dr Kay Dickinson will introduce her upcoming book Supply chain cinema: producing global film workers (BFI, 2024). Why are big budget films typically made across...

  3. Peppy: Egg Freezing -- All you need to know

    Are you considering egg freezing and want to know more about what it entails?

    Following up from the egg freezing event held in March, we are running this event again with more time available for Q&A, the event will also include links...

  4. Limited access

    A job guarantee for Scotland?

    With the rise of AI and casualised work, and the drive to transition away from polluting industries, the ability people have to keep themselves employed has...

  5. Peppy: Create your feel-good summer fitness plan

    Start your summer on the right foot with these exercise tips

    Want to feel fitter and stronger this summer but not sure where to start with your training? Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds, tone up or...

  6. School of Chemistry Colloquium: Dr Alison Hill

    Unique data sets for robust and authentic online open book assessments

    Online assessments where there is a clear 'correct' answer are susceptible to students working together, sharing (or even selling) answers. The...

  7. Get to know the Peppy app

    What is Peppy and how do you make the most of it?

    Join this interactive, lunchtime session for an overview of what Peppy actually is and how it can help you. With Peppy, you get direct access to human health...

  8. Peppy: Period pain and how to work with your cycle

    Discover the truth about period pain and learn how to navigate your cycle effectively with expert guidance.

    Unfortunately it is generally assumed that because we are women we know all about our cycles, well this just isn't the case. More often than not we...

  9. Peppy: Living Mindfully: A Beginners Guide

    Would you like to be more present in your day to day life? If so, mindfulness could be for you!

    Dive into the transformative practice of mindfulness with Jamie Jeffreys, our expert Healthy Minds practitioner. In this enriching session, you'll uncover...

  10. Energy Cafe: Radical action from above

    The World Commission on Dams and the making of global guidelines for the planning and construction of large dams

    Hosted by Christopher Schulz Large dams are back on the global development agenda. Researchers have counted thousands of dam projects that are currently planned...