All events

103 results found
  1. CRISP online seminar

    CRISP online seminar

    Requirements specifications for AI systems

    This fifth online seminar of the Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP) will welcome Professor David Robertson who is Chair of...

  2. Everything is political, decolonisation is an ongoing process

    Everything is political, decolonisation is an ongoing process

    Leena Nammari

    It is the colonisers themselves and their people that need re-educating and have to start rethinking their own prejudices and assumed knowledge. The indigenous...

  3. Painting in Steam -- new start time of 2pm

    Painting in Steam -- new start time of 2pm

    Climate, Combustion, and Pollution in British Art

    Join the School of Art History and Dr Stephanie O'Rourke for 'Painting in Steam: Climate, Combustion, and Pollution in British Art'. Reception...

  4. Saints Talk: Dr Leshu Torchin

    Saints Talk: Dr Leshu Torchin

    Documentary Film (and other Media) in a Post-Truth World

    Development is delighted to invite you to the next instalment in our Saints Talk series from Dr Leshu Torchin, 'Documentary Film (and other Media) in a...

  5. Transition and the Historiographical Vagaries of Silent American Cinema

    Transition and the Historiographical Vagaries of Silent American Cinema

    Film Studies Speaker Series: Prof Charlie Keil

    When first introduced as a concept specific to early cinema in an essay for Cinema Journal in 1991, the notion of "transition" came firmly attached...

  6. Teach-in: Gaza and justice

    Teach-in: Gaza and justice

    As we pass 100 days of Israel's military campaign in Gaza with a spread of conflict in the region, this Teach-In provides a forum for discussing questions...

  7. Department of Finance seminar with Dr George Kladakis

    Department of Finance seminar with Dr George Kladakis

    Sustainability-related disclosures and bank credit ratings

    This research seminar will welcome Dr George Kladakis, Lecturer in Finance with the University of St Andrews Business School. Dr Kladakis will present research...

  8. Film screening: Tea & Sympathy (1956)

    Film screening: Tea & Sympathy (1956)

    A screening of Tea & Sympathy (1956) to accompany the talk by Professor Richard Dyer and book launch of The Richard Dyer Reader on 15th November, 4pm-6pm in...

  9. Reading group on Karl Marx's 'Capital'

    Reading group on Karl Marx's 'Capital'

    This is the first meeting of a reading group on Karl Marx's 'Capital' which will take place throughout Semester 1. The aim is to work together...

  10. Sands 24: Smoke Sauna Sisterhood

    Sands 24: Smoke Sauna Sisterhood

    Anna Hints' atmospheric, almost mystical, feature-length documentary debut invites us to become part of a supportive, witty, sweaty female collective who...