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Fully-matching results
English Research Seminar --- Professor Adam Potkay (William & Mary)
"Concordia Discors at World's End: Pope, Voltaire, Wordsworth"
Concordia discors as a stylistic habit and ordering principle does not effectively end with the poetry of Alexander Pope, as mid-twentieth century philologists...
English Research Seminar -- Dr Noreen Masud (University of Bristol)
School of English research seminar featuring Dr Noreen Masud (University of Bristol)
Research Seminar Talk -- Professor Liz Losh (William & Mary)
Building a culture for generative AI literacy in college language, literature and writing
As large language models become fully integrated into everyday digital tools for authorship and research, it becomes increasingly unrealistic to issue blanket...
English Research Seminar Talk: Dr Laura Gill (University of Lincoln)
"Another flood, of tears and sorrow": Milton's Deluge in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Laura Fox Gill is Senior Lecturer at the University of Lincoln, specialising in Romantic and Victorian literature with a focus on image-text relations and the...
Book launch: Oxford Handbook of Restoration Literature
The virtual book launch to announce the publication of the Oxford Handbook of Restoration Literature, edited by Matthew Augustine with frequent collaborator...
English Research Seminar Talk
Dr Corey Gibson (University of Glasgow) 'The Worm Queen Turns: Helen Adam from Dundee Manse to California Coven'
The poet, balladeer, and collagist Helen Adam (1909-1993) charted an uncommon course through the twentieth century. Drawing from extensive personal archives at...
English Research Seminar --- Dr Simon Grimble (Durham university)
'Everyone hates a sad professor': imagining the literary critic in contemporary Britain and America
The paper will look at recent representations of the figure of the literary critic and situate them in relation to the history of thinking about the purpose and...
Ailbhe NÃ Ghearbhuigh: From the Irish: bringing a minority language out into the world
Acclaimed Irish-language poet and translator, Dr Ailbhe NÃ Ghearbhuigh will read a selection of her recent work and reflect on the challenges of writing and...