Upcoming events

5 results found
  1. Saints Talk: Dr Leshu Torchin

    Saints Talk: Dr Leshu Torchin

    Documentary Film (and other Media) in a Post-Truth World

    Development is delighted to invite you to the next instalment in our Saints Talk series from Dr Leshu Torchin, 'Documentary Film (and other Media) in a Post-Truth World' on Microsoft Teams. In this talk, Dr Torchin will explore the challenges to nonfiction media with a focus on how the documentary industry is affected by...

  2. ICFUST 2024

    ICFUST 2024

    The 2nd International Congress on Far-UVC Science and Technology (ICFUST) will bring together researchers, innovators and policymakers from around the world to share the latest efficacy and safety information on this important pathogen-annihilating...

  3. The Future of German Screen Studies Conference

    The Future of German Screen Studies Conference

    The conference will delve into the future prospects of German Screen Studies amidst ongoing technological evolution, heightened cultural and political discord, and historical upheavals on national, European, and global levels. Exploring innovative methodologies and concepts, scholars and students will investigate German-language cinematic, televisual, streaming, and site-specific screen media, spanning historical, contemporary, and forthcoming periods....

  4. Everything is political, decolonisation is an ongoing process

    Everything is political, decolonisation is an ongoing process

    Leena Nammari

    It is the colonisers themselves and their people that need re-educating and have to start rethinking their own prejudices and assumed knowledge. The indigenous know their history and they hold on to it with the tools that they have on hand. They use storytelling, their unique clothing, their foods and cuisine and just existing...

  5. Public Lecture: Far-Ultraviolet lighting to prevent the airborne spread of disease

    Public Lecture: Far-Ultraviolet lighting to prevent the airborne spread of disease


    For over a hundred years, the germicidal properties of UV light and its role in suppressing transmission of airborne diseases have been known, but because of safety concerns, the installation of mercury-based UV lighting with wavelengths around 254nm has not been widely adopted. Recently, it has been proposed that UV light with wavelengths around...