This month’s events

3 results found
  1. Peppy: Egg Freezing -- All you need to know

    Peppy: Egg Freezing -- All you need to know

    Are you considering egg freezing and want to know more about what it entails? - Free

    Following up from the egg freezing event held in March, we are running this event again with more time available for Q&A, the event will also include links...

  2. When Nature stumbles on a good thing: from promiscuous binding to essential enzyme activity

    When Nature stumbles on a good thing: from promiscuous binding to essential enzyme activity

    Research seminar as part of the School of Biology's Biomolecular Sciences (BMS) External Seminar series by Prof. Joelle Pelletier, Department of...

  3. "Protest and Persistence: Analysing the Sweida Movement's Dynamics and Future Pathways."

    "Protest and Persistence: Analysing the Sweida Movement's Dynamics and Future Pathways."

    CSS Teams Event - email irevents for the link to take part.

    "The protest movement that erupted in Sweida last year continues to gain attention, particularly as it unfolds in a region predominantly inhabited by the...