Past event
Sunday Worship
Come join us for the University Service in St Salvator's Chapel. The sermon will be preached by Revd Paul Whittle, Synod Moderator, United Reformed Church. Gowns are welcome but definitely not required. An optional, short service of holy communion will follow.
This service will take place in person and will be available to watch via livestream. See the ‘Livestreamed services' section on our Worship web page.
Important Information: Face Masks must be worn throughout the service, unless exempt. No reservation required – All who come will be accommodated up to the chapel's capacity, based on social distancing requirements at the time. The collection of contact details for Test and Protect will take place on the day. You will have the option of scanning the QR Code provided using your smart phone, or leaving your contact details with the ushers.
A copy of the QR code Check In Scotland Privacy Notice can be found on our Worship web page, in the relevant documents section.
Chapel Donations: You are welcome to donate both in chapel or online via our Worship web page. Two-thirds of chapel offerings from the Sunday service are given to charity and one-third goes to the work of the Chaplaincy.