Past event

Innovation through collaboration: a funding showcase

The University of St Andrews Research Business Development team invites you to ‘Innovation through collaboration: a funding showcase' event taking place on Wednesday 15th March 2023.

We will be joined by Serena Broadway from the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), Judy Brown from East of Scotland KTP Centre and Shelley Breckenridge from Interface.

The event will include an opportunity to learn about how you can develop your research and create impact through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) working with industry and not for profit/third sector organisations. The session will provide information on support available on how to shape successful applications, as well as provide an overview of other funding schemes at national, regional, and local level to support collaboration with industry.

Who is it for?
University academic staff
Professional support staff

– 12.00 Arrival/registration – refreshments and lunch
– 12.45 Welcome and introductions to speakers
– 13.00 Serena Broadway – Knowledge Transfer Advisor East of Scotland
– 13.30 Judy Brown – East of Scotland KTP Centre – KTP overview, benefits and application support
– 14.10 Shelley Breckenridge – Interface funding opportunities
– 14.40 Q&A, networking and close

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Please register by Monday 6th March 2023.