Search by event location: the gateway

The Gateway is located at the North Haugh and is home to the School of Management and other University units. The Gateway is very versatile and offers a range of venues for all sorts of events.

There are 2 lecture theatres with a capacity of between 90 and 120 people and a further 6 seminar rooms with capacity for between 16 and 24 people. On the top floor, there is a boardroom which can be set up in different layouts depending on the event. The Gateway has full disabled access.

Department of Finance Seminar with Professor Emilia Garcia Appendini, Norges Bank

This research seminar will welcome Professor Emilia Garcia Appendini, who is a Senior Research Economist at Norges Bank, an Associate Professor of Banking at the University of St Gallen, and a Faculty Member of the Swiss Finance Institute. The subject of the talk is ‘Rewiring supply chains through uncoordinated climate policy’. Professor Appendini’s research interests…The Gateway15:30 PM to 17:00 PM

Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group meeting

This meeting of the Work, Organisations and Society thematic group of the Department of Management will welcome Dr Jana Boevers, from Bielefeld University, Germany, who is a visiting scholar with the Department. In her research, Dr Boevers examines leadership and strategic management in the context of change practices and processes, with a special focus on…The Gateway11:30 AM to 12:45 PM

Executive Education development workshop

This workshop for University of St Andrews Business School staff will focus on the running of Executive Education programmes. The session will welcome a guest speaker who will share ideas around how you can translate your existing teaching into teaching suitable for a professional audience. Further information has been circulated to staff, who are asked…The Gateway14:00 PM to 16:00 PM

Yellow dusters with embroidery on them hanging on a wall

Storytelling through craft: using stitch as a catalyst for feminist and change-making conversations

Join Principal Lecturer Vanessa Marr (RSA, SFHEA) from the University of Brighton, practice-based researcher and maker, for an insightful journey into her stitch-based approach to research, which resists gendered expectations of domesticity, positioning embroidery and commonplace household cloths as the catalyst for feminist and change-making conversations. Vanessa will reflect on the origins of her practice…The Gateway10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Knowledge and Practice thematic research group meeting

This meeting of the Department of Management’s Knowledge and Practice thematic research group (K&P) will welcome Dr Ziad Elsahn from Lancaster University who will speak on the topic, ‘Learning from film studies to use film in management and organisation studies’. Dr Elsahn’s research interests include organising and strategising processes and practices in the context of…The Gateway13:00 PM to 14:30 PM

CREDI and Work, Organisations and Society research event

This joint event with the Centre for Research into Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (CREDI) and the the Department of Management’s Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group (WOS) will welcome Professor Kristina Potočnik, Personal Chair of Organisational Behaviour at the University of Edinburgh Business School. Professor Potočnik’s main research areas are resilience and crisis management,…The Gateway12:30 PM to 14:00 PM

Business School staff research development session

This session for all Business School staff will welcome Professor Sabina Keston-Siebert from University of Glasgow’s Adam Smith Business School and Professor Louis Nguyen from Durham University Business School. They will present their reflections on publishing in 4* outlets in the Academic Journal Guide (AJG) of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS). Lunch will…The Gateway12:30 PM to 14:00 PM

Knowledge and Practice thematic research group meeting

This meeting of the Department of Management’s Knowledge and Practice thematic research group (K&P) will welcome Dr Tao Wang from EM Lyon. Dr Wang’s research interests include social evaluation, organisation theory, market identity, institutional change and corporate political strategies. Further details about the seminar have been circulated to group members, who are asked to contact…The Gateway13:00 PM to 14:30 PM

Governance, Organisations and Accountabilities thematic research group meeting

This meeting of the Department of Management’s Governance, Organisations and Accountabilities (GOA) thematic research group will welcome Professor of Accounting Yuval Millo from Warwick Business School. Professor Millo’s research expertise is in the inter-disciplinary field of Social Studies of Finance (SSF). He will present his book, ‘Inertia: purposeful inefficiencies in financial markets’, which is co-authored…The Gateway11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Executive Education development workshop with Hamish Taylor

This workshop for University of St Andrews Business School staff will be run by Hamish Taylor. Hamish Taylor is an award winning CEO and an inspirational speaker who acts as an advisor to some of the world’s largest companies, assisting with specific innovation projects, customer focus and people leadership. Participants can expect an energetic, thought…The Gateway14:30 PM to 17:00 PM

Contact us

University of St Andrews
College Gate
St Andrews
KY16 9AJ
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone:+44 (0)1334 47 6161