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Accounting, Governance and Organisations research group Corporate purpose and agency theory
This meeting of the School of Management's Accounting, Governance and Organisations thematic research group (AGOG) will welcome Rutger Claassen, Professor of Political Philosophy and Economic Ethics at Utrecht University. The title of the talk is, ‘Corporate purpose and agency theory: a governance trilemma'. The paper engages critically with the ‘purpose paradigm', which was pioneered by Colin Mayer and others, and its governance implications. Professor John Ferguson will be the discussant.
Professor Claassen works on a range of topics in socio-economic justice, especially economic ethics and the moral value of central economic institutions such as markets, property and corporations. He is currently based at the Centre for the Study of Social Justice at the University of Oxford.
Further details have been circulated to group members. Those who would like to join a post-seminar dinner are asked to contact Dr Samuel Mansell.