97 results found
  1. Peppy: The science of your baby's sleep

    Peppy event

    Discover the science behind your baby's sleep (and why it might not be as bad as you think). Did you know that babies move through sleep cycles more...

  2. Peppy: How testosterone can help your menopause symptoms

    Peppy event

    Testosterone isn't just for men --- women produce this important hormone too. Testosterone is a hormone that can sometimes be used as part of HRT...

  3. Iran: Wonders of Nature

    The exhibition, 'Iran: Wonders of Nature' brings together stunning examples of the country's rich visual tradition, many of them on display in...

  4. Winch Lectures Seminar

    'Normal for Norfolk': Two Legal Antiquaries on the Norman Conquest

    The School of History is hosting the annual ILCR and St Andrews Institute for Intellectual History Winch Lectures on 'Normal for Norfolk': Two Legal...

  5. Women's Health Matters

    How to get the health support you need (International Woman's Day)

    This event is hosted by Peppy. The UK has the 12th largest gender health gap, but how does this affect you and your health if you're a woman? Ever...

  6. Photography Society Pub Quiz

    🍻PUB QUIZ🍻 Take a break from your revision at 7:30pm on Thursday, the 11th of April for PhotoSoc's Pub Quiz! Prepare to answer a wide variety of...

  7. PMS -- Understanding your hormones

    Tackle pre-period mood, sleep & appetite changes: learn how hormones influence symptoms & ways to effectively manage them for wellbeing.

    This is a Peppy event. Feeling emotional, skin breaking out, tender breasts --- you've probably either dealt with or know someone who struggles with...

  8. 'Normal for Norfolk': two legal antiquaries on the Norman Conquest

    Winch Lectures

    The School of History invites you to the annual ILCR and St Andrews Institute for Intellectual History Winch Lectures on 'Normal for Norfolk': two...

  9. Institute of Intellectual History seminar series

    Vassilios Paipais (St Andrews)

    Between Pacifism and Just War: Oikonomia and Eastern Orthodox Political Theology

  10. Study Abroad Fair

    Part of the Global office's Global Opportunities Festival

    The Global office is delighted to announce that the Study Abroad Fair will be running on campus again this year! The Study Abroad fair gives students the...