52 results found
  1. Peppy: The science of your baby's sleep

    Peppy event

    Discover the science behind your baby's sleep (and why it might not be as bad as you think). Did you know that babies move through sleep cycles more...

  2. Peppy: How testosterone can help your menopause symptoms

    Peppy event

    Testosterone isn't just for men --- women produce this important hormone too. Testosterone is a hormone that can sometimes be used as part of HRT...

  3. Alien worlds and ourselves

    StA-CES networking event

    The St Andrews Centre for Exoplanet Science (StA-CES), cutting across both the sciences and the humanities, would like to invite you to a networking event on...

  4. Women's Health Matters

    How to get the health support you need (International Woman's Day)

    This event is hosted by Peppy. The UK has the 12th largest gender health gap, but how does this affect you and your health if you're a woman? Ever...

  5. Photography Society Pub Quiz

    🍻PUB QUIZ🍻 Take a break from your revision at 7:30pm on Thursday, the 11th of April for PhotoSoc's Pub Quiz! Prepare to answer a wide variety of...

  6. PMS -- Understanding your hormones

    Tackle pre-period mood, sleep & appetite changes: learn how hormones influence symptoms & ways to effectively manage them for wellbeing.

    This is a Peppy event. Feeling emotional, skin breaking out, tender breasts --- you've probably either dealt with or know someone who struggles with...

  7. Navigating the challenges of miscarriage

    This is a Peppy event. Join Fertility Practitioners, Stephanie Pryor and Suzanne Adams, as they share insights, guidance and practical tips to help individuals...

  8. Photography Skills Workshop

    Join the Photography Society for a photography upskilling workshop!

    Are you interested in photojournalism, theatre photography, sports photography, and more? We are very lucky to have another FREE workshop with Louise,...

  9. Unissued Diplomas Exhibition

    St Andrew's University Ukrainian Society invites the University members, staff and students to attend an exhibition 'Unissued Diplomas' at the...

  10. USLAS (non-academic) Pension Scheme Meeting (aka Townhall meeting)

    Information session for members and non-members

    All non-academic staff (Grades 1 -- 5) are eligible to join the USLAS pension scheme. Whether you are already a member or not, come along to meet and...