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CIRCA seminar: Peter Cameron and Richard Connor
Peter Cameron (School of Mathematics and Statistics) and Richard Connor (School of Computer Science) will speak at this CIRCA seminar, presenting on 'When...
CIRCA lunchtime seminar
Our speakers are: Carla Biermann Title: Sampling solutions to constraint satisfaction problems Abstract: State-of-the-art constraint programming solvers have...
CIRCA lunchtime seminar
Chris Brown will speak on "Semi-Automatic Ladderisation: Improving Code Security through Rewriting and Dependent Types", and Victoria Ironmonger...
CIRCA lunchtime seminar
There will be a CIRCA lunchtime seminar on 14th March at 1pm in Theatre D of Maths. Peiran Wu and Yayi Zhu will speak. Peiran's Title: Irredundant bases...
CIRCA lunchtime seminar
The last CIRCA seminar of the semester will be on April 11th. Ian Gent and Jiaping Lu wil speak. Jiaping's title Generation of Iterated Wreath Products of...
CIRCA lunchtime seminar
There will be a CIRCA lunchtime seminar on 28th March at 1pm in Theatre D of Maths. David Stewart (University of Manchester) will speak. Title: You need 27...
Perceptions of Illegitimate Violence in Intercultural Wars in German East Africa (circa 1884 to 1914)
ISWS Spring Seminar with Professor Tanja Bührer, University of Salzburg
Tanja Bührer's lecture explores what was considered legitimate and illegitimate violence in intercultural wars in the colonial realm during the fin de...
CIRCA lunchtime seminar
The speaker is Jim Davis, who is visiting from the University of Richmond. Title: GAP and difference sets Abstract: The computer program GAP has played an...