Past event

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Computational Algebra (CIRCA) lunchtime seminar

There will be a CIRCA lunchtime seminar on Thursday 6th February at 1pm in Maths Lecture Theatre B.

Chris Brown and Francis Clavette (Université de Montréal) will speak.

Chris' Title: pi-par: A Dependently-Typed Parallel Language with Algorithmic Skeletons

Chris' Abstract:  Algorithmic skeletons are an effective, pattern-based approach for parallelising software. However, despite implementations for a range of languages and paradigms, there is currently little to no support for dependently-typed languages, such as Idris, Agda and Coq. Such languages promote safer software via the ability to express logical properties and specifications, along with their proofs, directly in code.

In this talk, I introduce pi-par, a novel parallel dependently-typed functional programming language, with native support for algorithmic skeletons. I take a message-passing concurrency approach with primitives for spawning processes, and sending and receiving messages. Parallelism is achieved via Pipeline and Task Farm skeletons, enriched with dependent types, and via compilation to an Erlang backend.

I evaluate pi-par on a series of standard farm and pipeline examples, achieving speedups of up to 26 times on a 28-core machine.

Francis' Title: On the cardinality of graphs with a given direct product as full automorphism group

Details about this event can be found at

For more information about CIRCA and its activities, visit