This month’s events
Clear allReligious service (Selected) Academic 32 Book launch 3 Careers 2 Climate change 3 Conference 2 Debate 3 Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) 2Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) 4 Energy café 2 Exhibition 2 Featured music centre event 2 Inaugural Lecture 2 Information sharing 2 Lecture 14 Meeting 2 Music 3 Panel discussion 4 Poetry reading 2 Presentation 3 Public Engagement 2 Q&A Session 4 Round table discussion 3 Seminar 31 Social event 3 Theatre 5 Webinar 8 Wellbeing 11 Workshop 7
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Sunday Worship
Founders and Benefactors
To commemorate the Founders and Benefactors of the University, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Revd Dr Shaw Paterson, will...