This month’s events
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Unauthenticated letters in late Roman North African disputes: forgeries or negotiation strategies?
Becca Grose (St Andrews)
This is a School of Classics Event. For further information please contact [email protected] If you wish to join this event on Teams, sign up to our...
Sublimity at Colonus: from Yeats to Mahon
Fiona Macintosh (Oxford)
Annual lecture of the St Andrews Centre for Receptions of Antiquity. Abstract There is nothing new about turning to Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus...
Department of Finance Seminar with Professor Emilia Garcia Appendini, Norges Bank
Rewiring supply chains through uncoordinated climate policy
This research seminar will welcome Professor Emilia Garcia Appendini, who is a Senior Research Economist at Norges Bank, an Associate Professor of Banking at...
Friendship, Philosophy, Forgery: Greek letter collections 400 BC to AD 400
Andrew Morrison (Glasgow)
The letter collections of Greco-Roman antiquity dwarf in total size all of ancient drama or ancient epic put together, but have not received anything like as...