This month’s events
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Christine Bovill: Piaf to Pop
Christine Bovill's award-winning shows Piaf and Paris established her reputation as one of Europe's finest interpreters of French song. In her new...
Sublimity at Colonus: from Yeats to Mahon
Fiona Macintosh (Oxford)
Annual lecture of the St Andrews Centre for Receptions of Antiquity. Abstract There is nothing new about turning to Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus...
Homeland insecurity: the rise and rise of global anti-terrorism law
Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law, London School of Economics (LSE)
The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence and the Centre for Global Law and Governance will host Conor Gearty, Professor of Human...
English Research Seminar Talk
Dr Corey Gibson (University of Glasgow) 'The Worm Queen Turns: Helen Adam from Dundee Manse to California Coven'
The poet, balladeer, and collagist Helen Adam (1909-1993) charted an uncommon course through the twentieth century. Drawing from extensive personal archives at...
Middle East and Iranian Seminar --- Dr Abbas Panakkal (Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue)
Musaliar King: Decolonial Historiography of Malabar Resistance
Middle East and Iranian Seminar with Dr Abbas Panakkal (Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue) on 'Musaliar King: Decolonial Historiography of...
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Dr Emily Ward (University of Edinburgh)
Comparing "Scotland" and "Germany" in the High Middle Ages
Institute for Scottish Historical Research Seminar -- Dr Emily Ward (University of Edinburgh) -- Comparing "Scotland" and...
Dogstar Theatre presents The Testament of Gideon Mack
Pay What You Can: £17, £14, £12
Written by James Robertson and adapted for the stage by Matthew Zajac Dogstar's vibrant new stage version of James Robertson's acclaimed...
Turkish defence and foreign policy: a new era?
Dr Ziya Meral, SOAS
Join us for 'Turkish Defence and Foreign Policy: A New Era?' with Dr Ziya Meral, Lecturer at SOAS, Senior Associate Fellow RUSI, and Visiting Fellow...
Relaxed drawing @ Wardlaw
Drop into the Wardlaw Museum to relax and draw. Find a place in the galleries and take inspiration from great artworks, capture the detail of an ancient...
Responsibility as Researchers
Sharing Experiences and Ideas for Working with Trauma-Affected Communities.
This event brings together faculty members and PhD students from the School of IR to share experiences, discuss best practice, challenges, and strategies for...
Limited access
"Say No!" Book Club --- February
Our monthly book club is a chance to discuss a series of books covering the exhibition's themes of protest, feminism, art and inclusivity. Join us at the...
Institute of Intellectual History -- Ann Thomson (European University Institute)
Debating Enlightenment
Debating Enlightenment
Contemporary Song Masterclass led by Lucy Schaufer and Piers Hellawell
Joseph Atkinson, Luis Meseguer Mira, Gabriel Henrion (composers) Eve Cormack, Amy Dunn, Emily Kemp (singers) Three student composers have the new songs they...
Seminar Series: Collective Behaviour and Intelligence
Speaker: Malinda Carpenter
The goal of the Collective Behaviour and Intelligence seminar series is to explore the phenomena of collective behaviour and intelligence, the mechanisms...
Charlotte Hempel --- Smith Lecture, Spring 2025
Each semester, an outstanding female scholar from any sub-discipline of Divinity is invited to St Andrews to deliver the Smith Lecture in memory of Agnes Lewis...
Art History Research Lecture: Dr Anthi Andronikou
Art in Between: Eastern Christian Visual Culture in the Islamic and Western Christian Worlds
Join us for Dr Anthi Andronikou Research Lecture on 'Art in Between: Eastern Christian Visual Culture in the Islamic and Western Christian Worlds'...
English Research Seminar --- Dr Simon Grimble (Durham university)
'Everyone hates a sad professor': imagining the literary critic in contemporary Britain and America
The paper will look at recent representations of the figure of the literary critic and situate them in relation to the history of thinking about the purpose and...
Publishing a PhD manuscript with Bloomsbury Academic
MS Teams - email [email protected] for the link
Aimed at research students and early career researchers in the UK, this talk from Atifa Jiwa, Senior Commissioning Editor in Politics and International...
Energy Cafe: Whose transition?
Weighing up the costs and benefits of critical raw material extraction
Speakers Emma Wilson, ECW Energy Ltd (UK) and Austrian Polar Research Institute APRI Gerti Saxinger, Uni Vienna (AT) and Austrian Polar Research Institute APRI...
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Robin Whelan (University of Liverpool)
How to be Both: Models of Christian Political Service in Late Antiquity
Medieval History Seminar -- Dr Robin Whelan (University of Liverpool) -- How to be Both: Models of Christian Political Service in Late Antiquity