Past event
Towards a More Inclusive Classics III: Material Culture (Hybrid) With the support of the Institute of Classical Studies, the Council of University Classics Departments EDI Committee, and the University of Reading.
DAY 1: Wednesday 28 June 2023 (Online)
13.30 Tulsi Parikh, Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis: Welcome
Panel 1: Catch-up with past ICI projects
13.40 Peter Kruschwitz: MAPPOLA Project
13.55 Amy Coker: GCSE Latin Unseens and Inclusivity
Panel 2: Decolonising the museum
14.10 Sujatha Chandrasekaran: The archaeological collections of Berlin's Museum Island
14.20 Natasha Rao: Legal and practical barriers to decolonising the museum
14.30 Ashton Rodgers: Exploring the context of the Bay View Donation to the Kelsey Museum of Archeology
14.40 Haleh Afshar: Multaka Meetingpoint Museum – diverse narratives and shifting perspectives
Panel 3: Inclusivity within archaeology
Part 1: Antiracism
15.40 Zena Kamash: Towards an antiracist archaeology
15.50 Charles Ro: Resources for tolerating localised racisms
16.00 Dòmhnall Crystal: Ali Basitaki and the Muslim workmen at Knossos
Part 2: Disability
16.35 Katerina Velentza: Surviving archaeology with a long-term condition
16.45 Max Meyer: Non-normative spatial experiences at Oplontis
16.55 Alexandra Morris: Ancient Ptolemaic and Hellenistic disability narratives in museum collections
DAY 2: Thursday 29 June 2023 (In-person/hybrid)
Session 4: Visit to the British Museum
10.30 Ellen Adams, Tom Harrison: Access and classical collections
Lunch at ICS
Panel 5: Antiquities handling, diversity in learners
13.30 Molly Bretton: Sharing approaches to providing inclusive and meaningful engagement with arts and culture
14.30 Gabby Bodard: An exploration of the opportunities and limitations of digital and 3D models
Rafie Cecilia and Annabel Gee: Casts and 3D prints
Session 6: ‘Ithaca' Choreographed workshop
15.30 Fleur Darkin, Francesco Ferrari: Performance and Q and A
DAY 3: Friday 30 June 2023 (Online)
Panel 7: Public art and archaeology
13.30 David Tootill: Inclusion, Diversity, Equality and Archaeology
13.40 Andrew Roberts: Community art and widening public engagement on Hadrian's Wall
13.50 Ersin Hussein: Understanding and voicing Cypriot heritage in Wales
14.00 Alison Hadfield, Rebecca Sweetman: Archaeology collections for wellbeing
Panel 8: Queering archaeology
14.40 Claire Heseltine: The queer potential of miniature personal objects
14.50 TJ Kelly: Ancient gender-queer visibility
15.00 Tatiana Ivleva: Personal experiences in studying the topic of masculinity and sexuality
Panel 9: Roundtable on material culture teaching in schools
16.10 Peter Swallow, Ashley Chhibber
16.50 Conclusion