Past event
Systematic and Historical Theology seminar -- Michaelmas 2023, week 11 Fell/Fox, Chidley - Radical ecclesiology
This seminar will cover works by Margaret Fell/Fox and Katherine Chidley.
In Martinmas 2023, the Theology seminar is reading important texts of Protestant Scholasticism. The seminar schedule and readings are available on the Systematic and Historical Theology research site:
The weekly seminar typically follows this pattern:
11-11.20am Morning Prayer in St Mary's College Hall
11.30am-12.45pm Theology Seminar in St Mary's College Hall
1-1.45pm Bring-your-own lunch in the Senior Common Room (coffee, tea, and water available)
Seminars will be in person and will not be live-streamed. If you are not on the Theology Research Seminar list or the Logos Seminar list, and would like to receive reminders and texts, please email the seminar leader, Dr Stephen Holmes, sh80 [at]