Past event

STACEES event series: Net Zero and the direction of travel in Scottish HE A conversation at the University of St Andrews

How can Scotland's Higher Education (HE) institutions lead the way in supporting the UK government's Net Zero ambitions? Where are we right now and where do the future challenges lie? How can the transition towards more sustainable travel be inclusive and fair, and support Scotland's research and teaching ambitions?

This four-part event series explores three key strands of travel through hybrid delivery talks delivered by a range of invited speakers, plus a chaired open discussion:

This final event in the series will provide an opportunity for us to discuss the different approaches to Net Zero presented by past speakers and consider what our next steps could be for achieving that goal at the University of St Andrews. After a re-cap on some of the key themes discussed in the series, spanning the challenges of International Student Migration, business travel and local travel initiatives, we will encourage a roundtable discussion with the goal of identifying next steps and ongoing challenges to address within our Schools and the Institution.

Lydia Cole is a Lecturer in Geography and Environmental Management within the School of Geography and Sustainable Development and chairs the School's Environmental Sustainability Policy Working Group. The Working Group has been considering the thorny issue of how to reduce work-related travel within a School where travel, and sustainability, are central to practice.

More information on this event