Past event
STACEES event series: Net Zero and the Direction of Travel in Scottish HE Making the shift: How do we change our local travel habits to meet our business, personal and climate targets in St Andrews?
How can Scotland's higher education institutions lead the way in supporting the UK government's Net Zero ambitions? Where are we right now and where do the future challenges lie? How can the transition towards more sustainable travel be inclusive, be fair and support Scotland's research and teaching ambitions?
This four-part event series explores three key strands of travel through hybrid delivery talks delivered by a range of invited speakers, plus a chaired open discussion.
Reducing emissions from local transport is proving to be a challenge. What kinds of projects are underway at the University of St Andrews that are trying to address this challenge? Will they be enough to meet the University's 2035 Net Zero target? In this session, Ali MacLeod (Transition University of St Andrews) will explore these questions and highlight the opportunities that will help us meet our business, personal and climate targets.
Ali is the Manager of the Transitions team (Estates Department), with a remit focussing on sustainable travel. He has been involved with setting up a number of programmes including Car Clubs, Bike share, Bike Pool, Liftshare, cycle route development and a St Andrews travel app.