Past event
St Andrews Interdisciplinary Science Conference SISCO 2025
Join colleagues from various stem societies that have joined together to run the fourth instalment of the St Andrews Interdisciplinary Science Conference (SISCO).
The event is a free conference open to all interested students. The primary aim is to provide talks that highlight interdisciplinary research at the University.
The event is organised by a collaboration of societies under the SISCO organising committee. The societies involved are Physoc, Astrosoc, Chemsoc, SUMS, Geolsoc, WICS, STACS, Neurosoc, Pyschsoc, MAZE and Students for Global Health.
Alongside the talks, the groups will be providing workshops that will aim to equip attendees with hard and soft skills to benefit them in their future studies. There will also be poster sessions highlighting the work students have completed during previous internships or programmes, which will encourage networking and facilitate meaningful connections.