Past event

St Andrews Conference on Interdisciplinary Feminism A free conference on themes related to 'liberation' by the Feminist Society

The St Andrews Feminist Society's annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Feminism will include discussions on achieving liberation through the interconnected causes of feminism, decolonisation, anti-racism, and anti-trans, bi and homophobia.

Speakers will include the University Rector Stella Maris, Dr Jasmine Gani of the School of International Relations, Dr Uri Horesh of the School of Modern Languages, and Dr Ale Boussalem of the School of Geography and Sustainable Development.

The topics of their talks are as follows (not necessarily in order of presentation):

  • Stella Maris: Beyond tokenism towards meaningful action: how institutions can include diverse groups in leadership
  • Dr Boussalem: Queer Muslim geographies in Brussels, Belgium (and related geographies of resistance to homo, bi and transphobia, Islamophobia and racism)
  • Dr Horesh: The Israeli practice of pinkwashing and intersectional Palestinian LGBTQ+ identities
  • Dr Gani: Gaza as a feminist issue

The event will bring together students, academics, and University community members passionate about promoting truly intersectional feminism through a variety of causes. Don't miss this chance to learn from St Andrews academics and staff, ask meaningful questions about their work towards liberation, and be part of a community dedicated to promoting intersectional and interdisciplinary feminism.

Complementary teas, coffees and biscuits provided. All are welcome, Please reserve a free spot using the Feminist Society's Eventbrite link by clicking on ‘more information' below.

If you have any queries please email the Feminist Society at [email protected].


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