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Sounding Scotland's Waters, 1800-1900: Literature, History, Science A Royal Society of Edinburgh-funded workshop - Free

This workshop is the final part of a series of events for the RSE-funded project, ‘Sounding Scotland's Waters, 1800-1900: Literature, History, Science', bringing together researchers from English studies, Maths and Statistics, Modern Languages, Marine Biology, Geography and History.

To view the full programme, please visit the project website below.

Academic staff and postgraduates working in a related area, from any academic school, are welcome to join us for some or all of the programme. If you wish to attend, you must register in advance by emailing Dr Katie Garner ([email protected]) and Dr Asha Hornsby ([email protected]).

Participants and their interests:
Professor Susan Oliver, University of Essex – Sound Waves: Maritime Weather in Science, Literature, and Painting, 1760 – 1830s.
Professor Alexander Dick, University of British Columbia – ‘Island Lords: Walter Scott, The British Fishery Society, and Coastal Poetics in the Hebrides'
Professor Laurence Talairach, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès – ‘Margaret Gatty and Scottish Marine Botany'
Professor Hayden Lorimer, University of Edinburgh – ‘Oceanography Aboard The Ark'
Dr Anna Nousek-McGregor, University of Glasgow — ‘Oysters and Place-Names'
Dr Matthew Ward, University of Birmingham — ‘Byron's Scottish Waters in The Island'
Dr Matt Kerr, University of Southampton – ‘The Refuse of Civilization: Beachcombing and Narratives of Marine Waste, 1846–1894'
Dr Anna Pilz, University of Edinburgh — ‘Hibbert-Ware's Description of the Shetland Islands and Scott's The Pirate'
Dr Emily Alder, Edinburgh Napier University — ‘The power to shine': microscopy and luminous seas in Scottish marine science and fiction'
Professor Mary Orr, University of St Andrews – ‘William Carmichael McIntosh (1838-1931): Reconsidering ‘The Garland' Research Vessel for its Scottish-International Reach in Species and Special Collections'
Dr Deborah Kent, University of St Andrews – ‘”A rational exploitation of the sea”: D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson and investigations of the North Sea, 1895-1903'
Dr Charles Paxton, University of St Andrews — ‘Was the Loch Ness Monster a 19C phenomena?' / ‘From Awe to Ridicule: Scottish sea serpents 1801-1900'
Dr Asha Hornsby, University of St Andrews, ‘Scottish Ship Doctors: National Identities & International Seas'
Dr Katie Garner, University of St Andrews, ‘The Kelpie, the Ballad, and the Deep'

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