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Department of Economics Seminar with Dr Lidia Smitkova, University of Oxford Structural Change in an Open Economy
Lidia works on topics related to trade, international macroeconomics and structural change.
Abstract: This paper investigates the role of trade and international borrowing in driving structural change. I decompose the change in manufacturing shares into three terms driven by (i) price- and income effects — standard drivers of structural change in a closed economy, (ii) Ricardian specialization subject to comparative advantage, and (iii) compositional effects due to international borrowing. Applying the decomposition to data from twenty economies between 1965 and 2011, I show that Ricardian specialization and international borrowing explain 23% and 17% of observed change in manufacturing shares, half of cross-country het- erogeneity in patterns of industrialization, half the dynamics in high-technology subsectors of manufacturing, and are indispensable for understanding the effect of China on global manufacturing and ‘miracle' industrialization in South Korea.