Limited access Past event

Philopoiētai 2 School of Classics Workshop

9.30 to 10.20am Rebecca Lämmle
An Apology to Homer. Plato and the dialogues of the dead.

10.20 to 11.10am Emily Kearns
Some thoughts on blood, colour and impurity in Homer and his readers


11.40 to 12.30pm Shaul Tor
“Even if they speak without likelihoods or compelling proofs”: Timaeus 40d-e and some of its ancient readers


14.00 to 14.50 Alex Long
Sight-lovers and sound-lovers: who are hoi polloi in Plato?

14.50 to 15.40 pm Gabriel Richardson Lear
‘Plato on mimesis as a good way of life'


16.00 to 16.50 Tony Long
Questions of personal identity: Sophocles on Ajax

This event will take place both in-person and online.
To register for this event please e-mail [email protected] stating whether you would like to attend in person (limited numbers) or online. Please register by Friday 21st April 2023.