Past event
Pecha Kucha: stories of community - Free
Pecha Kucha is an opportunity to listen to inspirational stories from members of St Andrews community.
Pecha Kucha is a visual storytelling format where the speaker tells a story using only 20 images, with 20 seconds to talk about each image. It's designed to be a rapid-fire and fun format, with each talk lasting just a bit longer than six minutes.
Our theme for this event is ‘Community' and our speakers will be sharing about a community that matters to them. Communities have made a big difference to people's lives, especially during the pandemic, so we thought that this theme would let us celebrate wonderful communities, help us discover some new ones, and give us a chance to learn more about members of our St Andrews community. Speakers include staff, undergraduates and postgraduate students – we'd love for you to be there to cheer them on as they share about a community that matters to them!
Light refreshments will be available.
Please grab a free ticket using the short form below.