Past event
Online lecture: Promoting Sustainability in Higher Education: Strategies, Challenges and Impacts Charles-St Andrews strategic partnership
Promoting Sustainability in Higher Education: Strategies, Challenges and Impacts
Professor Ineke de Moortel is the co-lead of the University of St Andrews Strategic Theme on sustainability. She is also Master of the United College, leading our 18 disciplinary Schools. Ineke De Moortel is a Professor of applied mathematics (Solar Physics) in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Ineke's research focuses on the dynamical processes occurring in the Sun's atmosphere, in particular coronal heating and coronal seismology.
In this presentation Professor de Moortel outlines the strategic journey that sustainability has been developed through at St Andrews. She then considers the challenges around addressing our carbon footprint, especially with regard to transport at an institution that aims to make a global contribution. Finally, the case for the unique impacts that universities can make on sustainability through education and research is put forward through current examples from St Andrews.
This presentation will be given from Prague, and is part of the ‘University of St Andrews day' hosted by our strategic partners Charles University.