Limited access Past event
The Next Generation of Classical Reception Studies
The St Andrews Centre for the Receptions of Antiquity (SACRA) and the Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) would like to invite postgraduate researchers and early career academics based in the UK and working in the field of classical reception studies to this workshop at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.
There is no charge for this event but registration is required via the link below by Monday 29 April.
This is the third in a series of CRSN early-career events dedicated to network building and generously funded by the Classical Association. The first two were hosted online by colleagues at Oxford's Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD) and Exeter's Centre for Classical Reception during the pandemic respectively. This time most of the workshop will be in-person and we particularly welcome Scottish and North of England based participants. There will also be a hybrid seminar element on the Friday afternoon (open to all registered participants) based around short provocations from members of the CRSN Executive Committee.
We aim to offer lots of space for discussion and invite participants to prepare five-minute lightning presentations either on your present research focus (for example, your thesis topic) or ideas for new directions in reception studies (broadly conceived).
The workshop itself will take place on Friday 31 May from 10am, but participants are welcome to arrive on Thursday 30 May in time for an informal drinks reception and dinner from 6pm. The drinks reception and dinner, and lunch and refreshments on 31 May, will be provided free of charge but we do need to know numbers so you must register by the deadline, indicating at the same time whether you require accommodation (approximately £90). Additionally, a limited amount of funding will be made available to those without access to research funds to help cover travel and accommodation costs — see online form for details.
We are committed to enabling those with special circumstances (for example, disability, caring responsibilities) to attend and the School of Classics at St Andrews has a dedicated accessibility fund which can provide extra support if you need to travel with a carer, dependent, or have special access requirements. Please contact Emma Buckley at [email protected] to discuss your needs in addition to filling in the online registration form.
In order to register (including for remote participation for the hybrid seminar) please see the further information link.