Past event
New trends in the study of Eleatism Co-funded by the Mind Association, Scots Philosophical Association, and Schools of Classics and Philosophical, Anthropological & Film Studies
The last 20 years have seen the development of a host of innovative and philosophically sophisticated approaches to the Eleatics and their influence. There have been new major works on the long-neglected work by Melissus, new reconstructions of Zeno's paradoxes, and challenges to the view that Parmenides and the two other Eleatics formed a single ‘school'. Recent work has also shown how Melissus and Parmenides developed the inquiries of earlier philosophers, such as the materialistic Ionian philosophers, and how their role in the development of post-Eleatic philosophy was, in important respects, constructive.
This conference will bring together leading specialists in early philosophy as well as junior scholars in the field. It aims to build on the new interpretations of this early and pivotal period of philosophy and to see whether we can develop a new coherent picture of each of the three Eleatics. A further aim is to measure and evaluate the influence of contemporary philosophical and scientific thought (in its endorsement of atomism and objection to all forms of monism) in the new interpretative trends outlined above.
All welcome. Please register by Friday 20 May 2022 by sending an email to [email protected] , indicating whether you intend to attend in person or online. We will accommodate dietary needs, as long as we are informed about them in advance. All participants are welcome to contact the organisers (email address above) with queries about the event or the venue.