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Microsoft 365 Community event Join us at Parliament Hall for some coffee and MS365 community networking
We will be hosting a number of guest speakers, drawing on their experience of a number of Microsoft 365 tools, including Viva Insights. We will also use this as an opportunity to signpost some of the support services on offer to schools and units, as well as hearing from colleagues who have already used these services.
– Viva Insights: Microsoft Viva Insights provides personalised recommendations to help you do your best work. Get insights to build better work habits, such as following through on commitments made to collaborators and protecting focus time in the day for uninterrupted, individual work. Bonnie Hacking (Visiting Scholar, Entrepreneurial) will chat about her experience of using this tool.
– IT BRM Services – Despite using the same technology, units and schools work in different ways. We understand that how you work depends on the projects, working groups and best practices within each team. With this in mind, we appreciate that it's easier to embrace new technology and ways of working when there is local context. Kieran Harris (Project Manager, BTPO) will chat about his experience and some of the tools they have adopted in his team.
– LinkedIn Learning – To compliment the support services offered by IT, we are excited to have Lynn Neville from OSDS join us who will chat more about LinkedIn learning.
Tea and coffee will be available at the beginning of the event, with an opportunity to network with colleagues before and after presentations. Please register your attendance with Fiona Philip (fp57) by email or via Teams.