Past event

Light from the East: Middle Eastern Art (Dr Fabio Caiani) Free, but please book your tickets on the Byre Theatre website - Free

This event is a multi-media celebration of Middle Eastern art in honour of Catherine Cobham (former Head of the Arabic and Persian Department).

Renowned Syrian poet, Nouri al-Jarrah will read from his latest work The Stone Serpent, an epic poem that revives an ancient love story between a Syrian man and a Celtic woman. Catherine Cobham reads from her translation of the poem.

Fabio Caiani will give a presentation on modern Iraqi literature. The event also includes a live performance of Iranian music and Persian song by Parmis Mozafari and Saeed Talajooy and recitation of Persian poetry by Vahid Davar.

Image: ‘Tunis medina and Bab Bhar' by David Bond

More information on this event