Past event

ISWS Lecture Series The End of the Afghan Campaign

Lieutenant General (Retd) Hill spent much of his military career focussed on Afghanistan. With the exception of 2 years he has been in Afghanistan every year since 2002. He has done several operational tours. He was the lead Afghanistan plans officer in PJHQ for 2 years and then seconded to work for General Mattis, the then US CENTCOM Commander, on his Afghanistan plans team – the only UK officer to have done so. He worked for 3 years in MOD's Security, Policy and Operations staff as the campaign's end began to emerge and was then selected to be the Coalition Deputy Commander (and senior non-American Officer) in Afghanistan over the critical and eventful last 18 months – seeing the DOHA process from pre signature through delivery.

As such he has a unique national, international and leadership/commander's insight to the long, costly and complicated campaign “from begging to end”. His talk will focus on the last 18 months of the campaign and what we might learn from it.