Past event
IBANS --- Leap into a new collaboration! Come and join our ECR Networking Lunch - all welcome
The Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences (IBANS) is hosting a networking lunch for Early Stage Researchers (PIs, Postdocs, PhD and Masters levels) on the 28th February.
It will be an informal gathering with lunch provided and a chance to meet new people and potential new collaborators, swap research ideas and techniques and generally have a nice time! IBANS has members from across Psychology & Neuroscience, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Economics and Finance, Medicine and Chemistry and we support research across these Schools. We are always open to new members too and this event os for anyone who is interested in behaviour – at the cellular, neural, individual or group level.
If you would like to come along please obtain a ticket just so we know how many to get food for.
See you there!
Old Library – Psychology & Neuroscience Building, St Mary's Quad. Wednesday 28th February, 12.30-2pm – feel free to pop in for all or part of this time.