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"Russian warship, go f**k yourself": Humour and the (geo)political limits of vicarious war ISS Masterclass
Chris Browning joined Warwick University in August 2007. Prior to coming to Warwick he held positions at Copenhagen Peace Research Institute, the Danish Institute for International Studies, the University of Birmingham and Keele University. He has held visiting scholar and researcher positions at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, the University of Lapland, Tampere University and, most recently, a visiting professorship at the University of Oslo as part of a project on Nordic Branding.
He holds a PhD from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, serves on the editorial boards of Cooperation and Conflict and Global Studies Quarterly and was previously Associate Editor and Acting Editor for the Journal of International Relations and Development.
His published work includes:
- Nation Branding and International Politics (McGill Queen's University Press, 2023)
- Vicarious Identity in International Relations: Self, Security, and Status on the Global Stage (Oxford University Press, 2021)
- With Pertti Joenniemi and Brent Steele International Security: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2013)
- The Struggle for the West: A Divided and Contested Legacy (editor with Marko Lehti) (Routledge, 2010)
- Constructivism, Narrative and Foreign Policy Analysis: A Case Study of Finland (Peter Lang, 2008)
- Remaking Europe in the Margins: Northern Europe after the Enlargements (editor) (Ashgate, 2005)
Chris has also published more than 30 articles in international refereed journals and is editor of three journal special issues on subjects including ‘Nation Branding and Competitive Identity in World Politics', ‘Humour in Global Politics' and ‘Baltic Sea Politics'.
His research has appeared in journals such as Alternatives, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cooperation and Conflict, European Journal of International Relations, European Security, Foreign Policy Analysis, Geopolitics, Journal of International Relations and Development, Nationalities Papers, Political Geography, Political Psychology, Problems of Post-Communism and Security Dialogue.