Past event
Grief Group
This year, the Chaplaincy is offering a Grief Group for all University staff who are living with grief. It may be the loss of a parent, partner or peer, student, colleague, or a friend that you have lost. Grief is universal, knows no boundaries and is timeless.
Grief Group provides a safe space where open discussions about death and our experiences of loss is normalised. No one wants to have to join Grief Group, but it is here to help you feel less isolated through the most challenging events in life.
Grief Group for staff will meet once a month in the Chaplaincy building (opposite the Student Union) for a drop-in tea and coffee session and you are very welcome to bring along your lunch. We chat openly about all different aspects of death and how we learn to live with grief. All who have experienced a loss are welcome to come along.
To join Grief Group or get further details please email Sam (Assistant Chaplain) on [email protected] or the Chaplaincy via [email protected].