Past event
Green treasures from the magic mountains . . . and other stories from the Scottish Neolithic Archaeology Society 2023 Mitford Lecture - Free with membership/ students or £5 on the door.
Dr Alison Sheridan, Emerita Principal Curator of Early Prehistory at National Museums Scotland is our 2023 Mitord lecturer. She will tell us the fascinating story of Scotland's earliest farmers who lived here between around 4000 BC and 2500 BC, during what we call the Neolithic (New Stone Age) period. Who were these people? How did they live? Why did they build monuments? How did they get on with each other? And what on earth did they do with their carved stone balls?
This was no normal ‘everyday story of country folk': the ‘archers' we encounter were serious with their bows and arrows! Our understanding of this period is being transformed by new discoveries and research, especially through the application of advanced scientific techniques such as ancient DNA analysis and spectroradiometry. This lecture will share with you the results of this exciting work.