Past event

Film Studies Speaker Series: Charlotte Gleghorn (SL in Latin American Film Studies, Edinburgh)

In Indigenous film cultures across Abiayala/Latin America, the connection with Law is (at least) threefold: cinema portrays legal doxa, notably concerning territoriality and colonial claims to land and water; films — including the vast ethnographic archive and new, original works — are used to support particular legal cases; and productions index plural epistemological and claims that are not easily subsumed in or accommodated by western legal ideas, including authorship rights and copyright. Indigenous systems of law are mobilised through language, song, dance, storytelling, weaving, painting, and ritual, among other cultural expressions, all of which are conjugated through cinema, inflecting the politics of attribution, authorship and authority across the region. This paper will explore how shapes and discourses of Indigenous Cultural and Collective Property in film present metacommentary on Indigenous cinematic creativity.