Past event
Enterprise Week: How to get Started with a Tech Start-Up
Join us for Day 3 of Enterprise Week 2023, covering all things Technology.
We're delighted to be joined by University of St Andrews Alumnus and serial-entrepreneur who has built a number of tech start-ups stemming back to his time as a student in St Andrews.
Join Rob Gelb – Serial entrepreneur, Managing Editor at Campfire, Programme Facilitator at the Entrepreneurship Centre – for how to get started with a tech start-up.
Rob Gelb:
Rob is an Edinburgh-based founder who has built technology, impact, and media startups for the past 10 years. In 2016 he started Kindaba, a private social network for families serving 10k+ users. Following Kindaba, he ran HeySummit, an online events platform serving 2.5m+ attendees a year. He's currently in the early stages of a new startup serving the games industry, Organic Suspension. Aside from directly building companies, he is the managing editor of Campfire, a weekly news publication focused on the startup founder community. He has also led the Founders Survey for Scottish Founders, and is a Visiting Fellow at the University of St Andrews.
This event is open to:
All students
All academic and research staff
All professional service staff
Local community members/general public
Refreshments will be provided therefore, please RSVP to ensure we have availability for all guests.