English Research Seminar Talk Dr Corey Gibson (University of Glasgow) 'The Worm Queen Turns: Helen Adam from Dundee Manse to California Coven'

The poet, balladeer, and collagist Helen Adam (1909-1993) charted an uncommon course through the twentieth century. Drawing from extensive personal archives at the University of Buffalo, this paper will serve as an introduction to Adam's life and work. She is out of print and critically neglected. It will also examine Adam's bipartite career as a challenge to established literary historiography, of the Scottish Kailyard and the Bay Area Beats, and transatlantic literary exchange in the twentieth century more broadly.

Corey Gibson is lecturer in 20thC Scottish Literature at the University of Glasgow, he is currently a visiting research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh (2024-25).