Past event
English Research Seminar -- Dr Rachel Burns 'And you shall know that I am the Lord': The Wanderer and The Book of Ezekiel.
The ruined-city motif in the Old English poem The Wanderer (lines 73-87) has long been read as a reflex of traditional Germanic diction, and as a symbol of material transience. In line with more recent biblical readings of this poem, this paper identifies a likely source for the excidio urbis image in the biblical Book of Ezekiel. Reading this passage alongside Gregory the Great's Homilies on Ezekiel further illuminates how the poem's changing use of tense corresponds with contemporary thought on the revelatory processes of prophecy.
Dr Rachel Burns (University of Oxford / University of St Andrews), ‘And you shall know that I am the Lord': The Wanderer and The Book of Ezekiel', Friday 24 February, 3pm, Arts Seminar room 7. All welcome. If anyone would like to come to the dinner, please get in touch with Christine at [email protected] and [email protected] by the 17th February.