Past event
Energy Cafe: Shores of Change The global energy transition and the future of African coastal states
The urgency to address the impacts of climate change has reached a critical point. Although the global community acknowledges the imperative for a united response, individual nations often seek to protect their national interests, overlooking the necessarily interconnected nature of these responses.
In this Café, Ife Okafor-Yarwood will discuss how prevailing approaches to global energy transition in West and Central African coastal communities perpetuates patterns of colonialism, i.e. the “white man's burden”, as identified by Mies and Shiva. We are on the threshold of a new phase, which is framed as the imperative to protect the environment but involves the exertion of control over rights and resources. New approaches are required focusing on a truly ‘just transition' in order to secure an equitable future for the region.
About Our Cafes
The Energy Café is an informal, open and inclusive space where people across University of St Andrews, from undergraduates to Professors Emeriti, can come together for an hour to share ideas about the energy research they are working on. It is intended to encourage collaborations, expand research horizons, and inspire new ideas and questions about issues of energy.
Hosted by the Centre for Energy Ethics, the Energy Café is not limited to one discipline, one department or one school — it is open to everyone.