Past event

Edward Dusinberre in conversation with Michael Downes - £18.99 (inc. book), £8, £5 (student early bird)

Ahead of the Takřcs Quartet's concert tomorrow evening in the Laidlaw Music Centre, first violinist Edward Dusinberre introduces his book The Hidden Melodies: Music in Search of Home. How does music heard and played over many years inform one's sense of home? In Distant Melodies, Dusinberre explores changing ideas of home, exile and return in the lives and particular chamber works of four composers: Antonín Dvořřk, Edward Elgar, Béla Bartók and Benjamin Britten. A resident of Boulder, Colorado for nearly three decades, Dusinberre discovers ways in which music may both accentuate and ameliorate homesickness, as he visits and imagines some of the places crucial to these composers' creative inspiration.

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