Past event
Discover your Peppy benefit --- personalised health support
Join us for an engaging webinar exclusively for University of St Andrews staff to explore the benefits of Peppy, your free and confidential health support app.
You'll hear from Peppy experts Jade Edmonds, Client Success Manager, Laura Scrivens, Senior Menopause Practitioner, and Lorraine Montgomery, Senior Men's Health Practitioner. They'll introduce you to the personalised support available for menopause and men's health through Peppy, and share how you can access expert advice and resources whenever you need them.
Event highlights:
- Learn how Peppy can support your health and wellbeing
- Discover the dedicated services available for menopause and men's health
- Step-by-step guidance on how to register and access your benefits
- Opportunity to submit questions to the practitioners
The webinar will be recorded so if you cannot attend you have the option to download the session at a more convenient time.