Delivering a better health future for Scotland A Scotland's Future Series Symposium

University students and staff and the general public are invited to attend the ‘Delivering a better health future for Scotland' Symposium, hosted by the School of Medicine.

The symposium is part of the University's Scotland's Future Series, which supports events stimulating discussion and debate on issues pertinent to Scotland's future. Speakers and panel members will outline the key health and social care challenges facing Scotland and explore solutions in the areas of education, public health policy, and research and innovation. In particular, the conference will highlight the importance of collaboration between universities, health boards, and local governments in tackling these concerns.

Join us to hear from and participate in discussions with leaders in the fields of community medicine, health inequality and healthcare improvement on their vision for the future of Scottish health and social care. Access the conference programme (PDF) for a full list of speakers, including Scotland's Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sir Gregor Ian Smith.

Plese register for this free event.