Past event
CSTPV: Past Present and Future of Terrorism Studies Roundtable III: Next Generation Networks MS Teams - Guest Speakers Jonathan Collins, Brenna Helm, Chloe Squires and Callie Vitro
Jonathan Collins, Charles University
Brenna Helm, University of Nebraska Omaha
Chloe Squires, University of St Andrews
Callie Vitro, University of Nebraska Omaha
And here's a short description of the event for the event page.
Join us for an online roundtable with four exciting emerging scholars to discuss some of the key themes that are energising research on terrorism, political violence, and extremism.
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, the roundtable will provide an opportunity to hear from new researchers at the forefront of their field to explore how questions of interdisciplinarity, ideology, diversity, and technology are shaping current and future research. The roundtable will also discuss the different networks the speakers lead which are designed to support early career researchers and PhD candidates, including the Vox Pol Next Generation Network aimed at those researching online contexts, and the Terrorism and Political Violence Next Generation Network which seeks to support an international community of PhDs and ECRs working in this field.