Past event

Collaborative Hub for Cultural Heritage --- Spring Dialogues Dialogue III: 7 June

The Collaborative Hub for Cultural Heritage [CH2] warmly invites you to four open dialogues between the University of St Andrews and the Università degli studi di Padova on their ongoing research in cultural heritage. These are open to the public; please find more information and register for the online event below.

All meetings will be held on open Teams calls, at 11-12:00 in the UK / 12-13:00 in Italy

3. The Space of Things | Lo spazio delle cose [7 June] — Isabelle Chabot and Lenia Kouneni

Serena Galasso (Università degli studi di Padova), Things that Matter: Mobility and Agency of Everyday Objects in Late Medieval Italy/Cose che contano. Mobilità e azione degli oggetti di uso quotidiano nell'Italia del tardo medioevo

Cecilia Mazzocchio (University of St Andrews), ‘Wise Men from the East:' Physical and Imaginative Space in Sienese Fourteenth-century Depictions of the Adoration of the Magi/'I saggi dell'Oriente.' Spazio fisico e immaginifico nelle raffigurazioni trecentesche senesi dell'Adorazione dei Magi

Louis Edmanson (University of St Andrews), Fictive and Symbolic Depth: The Representation and Employment of Three-dimensional Space in Italian Renaissance Painting/Profondità fittizia e simbolica: la rappresentazione e l'impiego dello spazio tridimensionale nella pittura rinascimentale italiana

Emily Hanson (University of St Andrews), Casting Bronze with Leonardo: When the Idea Takes More Space than the Object/Gettare in bronzo con Leonardo. Quando l'idea occupa più spazio dell'oggetto

This project is designed to make the most of the traditional strengths of Padua and St Andrews in cultural heritage: both have recently celebrated their long and illustrious histories; both occupy historical sites and buildings; both have prestigious museums and libraries with abundant resources. The main aim of this project is to create a shared space for the exchange of ideas and resources, and the discussion of collaborative initiatives on the broad theme of cultural heritage. The CH2 Dialogues are a series of 4 online lectures taking place in Spring 2024 –academics from both institutions will present their research or teaching projects. There will be space for discussion and dialogue on methodologies and outcomes, and interaction with other participants.

More information on this event