Past event

Collaborative Hub for Cultural Heritage --- Spring Dialogues Dialogue II: 31 May

The Collaborative Hub for Cultural Heritage [CH2] warmly invites you to four open dialogues between the University of St Andrews and the Università degli studi di Padova on their ongoing research in cultural heritage. These are open to the public; please find more information and register for the online event below.

All meetings will be held on open Teams calls, at 11-12:00 in the UK / 12-13:00 in Italy

2. Bridging Islands | Isole che non isolano [31 May] — Frances Andrews and Gianmario Guidarelli

Frances Andrews (University of St Andrews), Introduzione/Introduction

Frances Andrews (University of St Andrews), Religiosi fuori del monastero/Religious Beyond the Cloister

Anna Clara Basilicò (Università degli studi di Padova), La maglia rotta. Il carcere inquisitoriale tra secreto e porosità/The Broken Link: The Inquisitorial Prison between Secreto and Porosity

Alexandros Hatzikiriakos (University of St Andrews), Le fontane della prima età moderna come luoghi d'incontro polisensoriali. Il caso della Fontana Morosini a Heraklion, Creta/Early Modern Fountains as Multisensory Sites of Encounter: The Case of the Morosini Fountain in Heraklion, Crete

Stefano Zaggia (Università degli studi di Padova), Isolati ma non esclusi. La città e le comunità straniere: il caso degli Ebrei/Isolated but not Excluded. The City and Foreign Communities: The Case of the Jews

Kate Ferris (University of St Andrews), Isolation and Community: An Anti-fascist's Experience of Confino on the Island of Ponza/Isolamento e comunità. L'esperienza antifascista del confino nell'isola di Ponza

Gianmario Guidarelli (Università degli studi di Padova): La cella monastica come luogo di meditazione e proiezione nel mondo/The Monastic Cell as a Place of Meditation and of Projection into the World

Gianmario Guidarelli (Università degli studi di Padova), Conclusioni e prospettive/Conclusions and Future Prospects

This project is designed to make the most of the traditional strengths of Padua and St Andrews in cultural heritage: both have recently celebrated their long and illustrious histories; both occupy historical sites and buildings; both have prestigious museums and libraries with abundant resources. The main aim of this project is to create a shared space for the exchange of ideas and resources, and the discussion of collaborative initiatives on the broad theme of cultural heritage. The CH2 Dialogues are a series of 4 online lectures taking place in Spring 2024 –academics from both institutions will present their research or teaching projects.

More information on this event