Past event
Cognitive Linguistics and New Testament Narrative: Investigating Methodology through Characterization
In light of the current vibrancy of Postmodern narratology, this Symposium explores how cognitive studies can present a starting point for scholars who wish to move from analysis of the text alone to acts of interpretation and reception. Using characters and characterization as a case study, the Symposium has two overarching goals. The first is to integrate historical and philological methods of exegesis and cognitive approaches into a common system of viewing and interpreting the text. The second goal is to reflect on the possibilities and limitations of applying cognitive principles to ancient text corpora, while pursuing an intensified dialogue with adjacent disciplines (Classical Studies, Historical Narratology, Media Studies).
Thursday, 18 June
Session 1, 2:00-5:00
Jan Rüggemeier (University of Zurich) and Elizabeth E. Shively (University of St Andrews), "Introduction: Towards a cognitive theory of New Testament characters: Methodology, Problems, and Desiderata"
Cornelis Bennema (Union School of Theology), "How Readers Reconstruct New Testament Characters: The Calling of Peter in the Gospels in Cognitive-Narratological Perspective"
Suzanne Keen (Hamilton College, NY), Respondent
Q&A, 45 min
Friday, 19 June
Session 2, 9:00am-12:00pm
Michael Whitenton (Baylor University, TX), "Towards a Blending-Based Approach to Early Christian Character Development: Once Again, The Case of Nicodemus"
Bonnie Howe (New College Berkeley, CA), "Cognitive Models for Analyzing Characterization in a Parable: Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan"
Ralf Schneider (University of Aachen), Respondent
Q&A, 45 min
Session 3, 2:00pm-5:00pm
Kirsten Marie Hartvigsen (University of Oslo), "How readers envision New Testament characters: Blending and the reception of Luke 1:5-2:51"
Thomas J. Kraus (University of Zurich), "Dramatis personae in the Acts of Peter: Character Identification and the Conveyance of Ethical Values"
Jonas Grethlein (University of Heidelberg), Respondent
Q&A, 45 min
Wine & Whisky reception 5:00pm-6:00pm
This event is the result of collaboration between Dr Elizabeth Shively (School of Divinity, St Andrews) and Dr Jan Rüggemeier (University of Zurich) and is co-sponsored by their institutions.